What is cybersecurity?

You might think cybersecurity is a new idea and that you should ignore it, but this might be your biggest mistake. Today, even if you do not use your computer to work, you have a website, all communications, and bank access on it. And there are people who are looking for the low-hanging fruit. How do small business owners protect their networks?

Should I act now?

Yes, you should. Cybersecurity is the simplest way we can prevent any loss or damage. We will take proactive steps to analyse your network, teach you safe computer use, and provide tooling to ensure you are not low-hanging fruit.

If you are attacked in any way, we will engage in pre-planned actions to help us recover your working environment in the shortest time possible.

What should I do?

There is no easy answer to that. Please talk to us, and we will see your setup, services, and how they can be protected. Because you never know when some malicious agent will

Where can I start?

Even before talking to us, please consider these 5 easy steps to start with:

  1. Use multi-factoraAuthentication
  2. Implement a Stronger Password Policy
  3. Conduct a Network Vulnerability Assessment
  4. Back Up Data as Part of a Disaster Recovery Plan
  5. Train Employees on Cybersecurity Best Practices